8 Things to do when you need to improve your dehumidifier’s efficiency

Views: 145     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-12      Origin: Site

1. Close your windows and doors

When you use the dehumidifier, please keep the doors and windows of your home closed, because opening the doors and windows will not only affect the normal operation of the dehumidifier, but also reduce the life of the dehumidifier to a certain extent.

2. Choose where air can circulate freely

What distance can be used to use the high efficiency dehumidifier you have purchased? Generally speaking, high-efficiency dehumidifiers are often placed at least one foot away from the wall, not too close, especially not close to furniture boxes, toys, walls and other things, and all sides of the dehumidifier machine must be clean of.


3. It is forbidden to run the dehumidifier when the humidity level is lower than 50%.

The sensor in the home dehumidifiers can monitor the average humidity concentration of the equipment. Generally speaking, modern household dehumidifiers are equipped. When the humidity level is within 15% to 70%, the homelabs dehumidifier will continue to operate at maximum power. But if the humidity is lower than 50%, it is best not to use a dehumidifier, because your dehumidifier has little effect on your room, and it can save electricity if it is not turned on.

3. Clean your dehumidifier filter on time

In fact, the dehumidifier for house is cleaned at least once a year, because in the process of use, the filter will cause a lot of mold, dust and other particles to read the thin coil, which cannot achieve the purpose of dehumidification. Therefore, you need to be like most users. Follow the method in the user manual to clean. For example, some requirements tell you that you only need to scrub the filter with a sponge and household disinfectant to remove the collected materials. In this way, it’s even to choose a suitable filter for the dehumidifier to maintain the efficiency of the filter.


4. Dehumidifier coils should be cleaned

The function of the coil in the dehumidifier is to catch the inhaled particles and spores by running. How to clean the coil in the dehumidifier? The main thing is to turn off the mini dehumidifiers, then use a disinfectant wipe to clean it, and then clean the coil of the dehumidifier and you can continue to use it.


5. Water storage unit should be cleaned

How is the water container cleaned up? The water container is the easiest to breed bacteria, algae and other parasites, because the water container for the automatic dehumidifiers have accumulated old water residues. Therefore, in order to ensure the best performance of the dehumidifier, we need to turn off the power of the dehumidifier frequently, and then Clean the inside of the water storage unit of the equipment to ensure that the dehumidifier is clean and maintain our health.


6. Frost should be checked

The dehumidifier cannot be used at a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will affect the frost on the whole house dehumidifier, and the coil or filter in the entire dehumidifier will be in danger of frosting or freezing, so when it is lower than 18 degrees Celsius, you need to Turn off the dehumidifier and place it in a place where the temperature is high enough.