Comparison and advantages between dehumidifier and air conditioner system

Views: 279     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-08-24      Origin: Site

In terms of dehumidification, dehumidifiers have several advantages that other air conditioner dehumidifier with air-conditioning systems do not have. First of all, most dehumidifiers are equipped with a built-in humidistat. You can also set the desired humidity level on the thermostat of the dehumidifier, and the dehumidifier unit will turn on when it detects that the actual room humidity is higher than the required humidity level of ideal basement humidity. It will also automatically shut down according to the temperature. In addition, it can be set to the required humidity level, and it will remain on as long as the required humidity level is reached. The air conditioning system does not.


1. Other advantages for dehumidifiers compared AC systems:

First of all, because the dehumidifier is more convenient to move, as long as you want it to dehumidify, you can move it to different locations in your home, even the garages and sheds you add. Secondly, the household residential dehumidifiers can be set with some additional functions, such as timer and defrost mode, this function can be cycled on or off at a specific time. Furthermore, the power consumption of the dehumidifier is relatively low, much less than that of the central air-conditioning system. And the above mentioned dehumidification without affecting the air temperature.


2. Conclusion

After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of the difference between air conditioning systems and dehumidifiers. Perhaps you still think that you don’t need a dehumidifier, because in this hot summer, you think air conditioning is enough. But this is not the case. The air conditioning system removes some moisture, but it makes the indoor air humid and sensitive. The dehumidifier with liquid desiccant dehumidification system is the product of cooling the air through the system evaporator coil, and the air conditioner is only for cooling the air. Furthermore, the homebase dehumidifier not only borrows most of the design of the air-conditioning system and has the basic functions of the air-conditioning system, but its efficiency is much higher than that of the air-conditioning system. The air in the room is directly sucked into the evaporator coil of the equipment, and the dry air is discharged after the high-speed dehumidification is completed. The temperature of the discharged air is similar to that of the human body, which makes people feel more comfortable.


As you might expect, portable air conditioner and dehumidifier have many of the same components and designs, but they are all different. If you don't mind that indoor air becomes a supermarket, and just to lower the indoor temperature, you can choose air conditioners. However, if you have high requirements for indoor air and pursue a high-quality life, it is recommended that you choose a best rated dehumidifiers.